Simplified version of tariff for the harbours in Vesturbyggð

Effective from January 1st 2024


All vessels are to pay harbour dues if they enter the harbour or come within the defined harbour limits and also if harbour services are required.

References to a vessels tonnage are based on its gross tonnage (GT) as defined in the International Tonnage Certificate of 1969 (ITC69).

On arrival and departure(Article 4,10,12,13):

One-time fee:
All vessels pay 17,8 ISK pr GT for each arrival.

Pilot services:
Pilotage to and from the port is 8.866 ISK plus 12 ISK pr GT. Pilot boat with captain, 30.000 ISK pr hour.

Mooring services:
Mooring fee is 13.260ISK pr. servant attending pr. hour (number of servants is decided according to vessel and condition, weather etc.). Overtime 20.140 ISK, minimum 4 hours.

Passenger fees:
A passenger fee is to be paid for each passenger of a tourist vessel and cruise ship 165ISK.

In port (Article 5.):

Pier charges:
Pier Dues are 8.9 ISK pr GT pr day (every started 24 hours) for ships up to 20.000 GT.
Pier Dues are 10.52 ISK pr GT pr day (every started 24 hours) for ships larger than 20.000 GT.
Boats smaller than 20 GT are charged a minimum of 12.336 ISK pr month.

Cargo fees(Article 8):
A cargo fee is paid for all cargo loaded or unloaded to or from the vessel in the harbour area. Cargo fees are based on total weight of cargo or the total value of the fishing vessels catch.

Group 1487 ISK pr ton.
Whole bulk cargo charged or discharged by conveyors, cranes, piloter machines or pumped such as coal, grain, salt, diatomite, bulk meal, cement, such as petrol, fuel, fertilizer, waste for recycling and similar cargo.

Group 2829 ISK pr ton.
Fish oil, fish meal and fish feed.

Group 3:  895 ISK pr ton.
Heavy goods such as sacks, iron and steel, fishing equipment, lubricants, marine products, agricultural products, seafood, raw materials for industry and construction, drinks, similar cargo and all items not specified in other groups.

Group 51,6% of the catch´s value.
Catch fee of frozen fish from a fishing vessel is 0,8% of value of the catch.  Calculated on the total value of fresh catch landed onto the pier or into another ship within the harbour limits, for processing or further transport.

Catch fee for fish from fish farms is 0,7% of value. Value is calculated from avg. price of Nasdaq salmon index based on the mid-rate currency published by the Central Bank of Iceland at the time the salmon is landed onto the pier.

Waste management and disposal charges(Article 15):
Waste dues:
On the arrival of the vessel to port, vessel shall pay 0.83 ISK per GT. This fee shall cover the ports supervision and administration of the receipt of waste. The minimum fee according to this item is 7.934 ISK and maximum fee is 61.023 ISK

Disposal dues:
On arrival at port, all vessels subject to Article 11 of Act No. 33/2004 are to pay a disposal fee irrespective of whether they unload waste on land. The disposal fee is to cover the cost of disposal of waste that is unloaded on land. The ports minimum fee for the receipt of waste is 12.815 ISK per cubic meter, and the minimum fee to be paid is for one cubic meter regardless if waste is put ashore or not.

ISPS(Article 14):
The harbour is certified for ISPS.
All cargo over 500 GT and passenger ships entering the harbour are obliged to comply with the ISPS code and act there upon.  All cargo ships and passenger ships complying with ISPS are charged 63.180 ISK pr arrival and stay. Requested watch services will be provided and charged for on a time basis.

Additional Harbour Services(Article 16,17,18,21):
Working hours:
Normal working hours are from 08:00 to 18:00 on all Icelandic working days.  All other time is defined as after hours.  Any requested services between 18:00 and 08:00 on weekdays and at any time on weekends will be charged 9.734 ISK pr hour, at a minimum of 4 hours.

Weighbridge services:
227 ISK pr ton.  A minimum charge is 500 ISK pr weighing.

Fresh water services:
3 USD pr ton.  A minimum of 15 tons are charged.

Electricity services:
Electricity prices are dependent on price from electricity seller and distributor with 17% added, plus a connection fee 5.642 ISK at normal working hours and 9.734 ISK after hours.

In case of any discrepancies between the translations and the original text in Icelandic, the original text of the tariff as published in the Icelandic Legal Gazette prevails.

Elfar Steinn Karlsson,
Harbour master